U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management
Recent News About U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management
Adventure and Discovery Begins at LM's Interpretive Centers
Enjoy the fresh smells and sounds of Fernald Preserve’s forests, hike through Weldon Spring Site’s wildflower-filled prairies, and feast your eyes on the bluebird skies of the Western Slope at the Atomic Legacy Cabin!
LM Site in New Jersey Chosen for EPA Reuse Award
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chose the Middlesex South, New Jersey, Site to receive the sixth annual National Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse Award.
Stewardship Council Board Members Tour Rocky Flats Site
On June 7, Rocky Flats Stewardship Council board members toured the Rocky Flats Site near Denver. Covering more than 1,300 acres.
Kayenta Township Hosts Uranium 101 Workshop in Arizona with Tribal and Federal Partners
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management (LM) and its Navajo Nation Public Affairs team led a fourth Uranium 101 workshop with Kayenta Township, Arizona, May 16, 2023.
New Weldon Spring Site Interpretive Center Exhibit Commemorates Former Workers
A new exhibit at the Weldon Spring Site Interpretive Center in St. Charles, Missouri, was unveiled May 28 and honors former uranium processing and remediation workers in the St. Louis region.
LM Conservation Projects Protect, Restore, and Enhance LM Sites Nationwide
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management sustainability teams support DOE priorities, including ecological health, conservation, land reuse, land management, and energy conservation.
LM Co-Hosts Emergency Management Organization Annual Meeting
Natural and man-made disasters seem to be wreaking havoc around the world. Federal, state, and local government organizations are continually considering these threats in their current and future emergency management planning.
LM Makes a Splash at 28th Annual Western Colorado Children’s Water Festival
It was the first session of the morning, but before she could give her water-quality presentation to the fifth graders gathered at her booth, Sara Woods had to fire up the crowd.
LM Makes a Splash at 28th Annual Western Colorado Children’s Water Festival
It was the first session of the morning, but before she could give her water-quality presentation to the fifth graders gathered at her booth, Sara Woods had to fire up the crowd.
LM Partners with Federal and State Agencies to Host Youth Corpsmembers at Colorado Site
In March, Mile High Youth Corps Energy and Water Conservation Program members toured the Rocky Flats Site near Denver for the second year in a row.
LM Publishes Newest Site Management Guide
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Legacy Management (LM) has published its newest edition of the Site Management Guide (SMG).
Managing Today’s Change, Protecting Tomorrow’s Future
As Earth Day completes another rotation around the sun, communities and organizations have planned thousands of events this weekend to shine a light on environmental issues.
Site Manager Graduates from DOE Leadership Development Program
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management Site Manager Meghann Hurt recently graduated from the DOE Leadership Development Program.
Newly Retired Partner Honored for Decades-Long Service to Hopi People and Supporting LM Projects
LM Director Carmelo Melendez honored Norman Honie, Jr., one of LM’s longtime Hopi tribal partners, during the Navajo-Hopi-DOE triannual meeting in Durango, Colorado, on March 14.
Digitalizing History One Record at a Time
In MorgIantown, West Virginia, the Records and Information group, under the office of Legacy Management’s Archives and Information Management team, is in the midst of a herculean task: organizing thousands of Department of Energy records, some nearly a century old
Dinner Guest Wish List: LM Contractor Janice Maruniak Shares Her Female Role Models
March is Women’s History Month, and this year’s theme — “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories” — recognizes “women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling, including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, news, and social media.”
LM Site Manager Reflects on Her Unexpected Career Path
LM Site Manager Reflects on Her Unexpected Career Path