Recent News About Us Congress
“Constitutional Authority and Single Subject Statements for H.R. 4395” published by the Congressional Record in the House section on June 30
“Constitutional Authority and Single Subject Statements for H.R. 4395“ was published in the House section on page H3160 on June 30
“Nomination of David Crane (Executive Session)” published by the Congressional Record in the Senate section on June 7
“Nomination of David Crane (Executive Session)” was published on page S1988 of the Congressional Record on June 7.
“Nomination of David Crane (Executive Session)” published by the Congressional Record in the Senate section on June 6
The Senate section of the Congressional Record published “Nomination of David Crane (Executive Session)” on June 6.
“Introductory Statement on S. 1576” published by the Congressional Record in the Senate section on May 11
“Introductory Statement on S. 1576“ was published in the Senate section on pages S1628-S1629 on May 11
“MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE” published by the Congressional Record in the Senate section on May 10
The Senate section of the Congressional Record published “MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE” on May 10.
“REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS” published by the Congressional Record in the House section on May 5
The House section of the Congressional Record published “REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS” on May 5.
“HONORING JULIA JACKSON” published by the Congressional Record in the Extensions of Remarks section on April 27
“HONORING JULIA JACKSON“ was published in the Extensions of Remarks section on page E371 on April 27
“RECOGNIZING DR. DOON GIBBS, BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB” published by the Congressional Record in the Extensions of Remarks section on April 26
“RECOGNIZING DR. DOON GIBBS, BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB” was published on page E363 of the Congressional Record on April 26.
“STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS” published by the Congressional Record in the Senate section on March 28
“STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS” was published on pages S1001-S1002 of the Congressional Record on March 28.
“ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS” published by the Congressional Record in the Senate section on March 23
“ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS“ was published in the Senate section on page S930 on March 23