Sen. john barrasso

Barrasso, Manchin Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Grow the Mining Workforce

On the Hill


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Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) | Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), and ENR Chairman Joe Manchin (D-WV) introduced the Mining Schools Act of 2023. This bipartisan legislation will increase and improve opportunities for university and college mining and geological programs to prepare students to meet America’s future energy needs.

“Unleashing American mining is good for our economy and good for the state of Wyoming. It’s also critical to boosting America’s energy security,” said ranking member Barrasso. “That can’t happen unless we continue to recruit and train the next generation of American workers. Our mining schools are an essential part of that process. Our bill will help accomplish this important goal.”

“At a time when the United States is making historic investments in our energy security and independence, universities nationwide continue to see declining enrollment in mining and geological engineering programs. Let me be clear: without a strong workforce of American miners, the United States will continue to rely on China, Russia and other foreign nations for our supply of raw materials and rare earth minerals, and this is unacceptable. This bipartisan legislation would provide schools with the resources needed to recruit students and maintain crucial programs that will help strengthen our mining workforce, create innovative new mining technologies and onshore vital supply chains. West Virginia miners have powered this nation to be the superpower we are today — the next generation of miners will ensure the U.S. continues to be a global energy leader,” said Chairman Manchin.

The Mining Schools Act of 2023 will:

  • Establish a grant program for mining schools to receive funds in order to recruit students and carry out studies, research projects, or demonstration projects related to the production of minerals; and
  • Establish the Mining Professional Development Advisory Board to evaluate applications and recommend recipients to the Secretary of Energy, as well as conduct oversight to ensure that grant funds are appropriately used.
Read the text of the bill here.

Background Information:

On December 1, 2022, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held a hearing on S. 3915, the Mining Schools Act of 2022.

On March 24, 2022, Senators Barrasso and Manchin introduced S. 3915, the Mining Schools Act of 2022.

Original source can be found here.


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