Bruce Westerman | House Committee on Natural Resources Ranking Member

House Votes to Lower Energy Costs Across the Board

On the Hill



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Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, upholding Republicans' Commitment to America and to an economy that’s strong.  

"Republicans are prioritizing the American people over the Democrat’s radical climate agenda. On his first day in office, President Biden started the war on American energy. He has revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, imposed a moratorium on oil production on federal lands, directed agencies across the Federal government to impose punitive and burdensome regulations, and made us more reliant on China. Predictably, gas prices skyrocketed to the highest levels in American history. People are counting on us to improve their quality of life. H.R. 1 delivers on that promise and will ensure America continues to lead the world at reducing emissions. I commend the passing of this package, which will boost energy production, lift regulatory burdens for the construction of more energy infrastructure, cut China out of our critical materials supply chains, and lower costs across the board. H.R. 1 is how we build a better and more secure future for all Americans." – House Committee on Energy and Commerce Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)

"In House Republicans’ Commitment to America, we promised the American people that we would work to reduce energy costs and make it easier and more affordable to build in the U.S. I’m proud to say that H.R. 1, the Lower Costs and Energy Act, will deliver on that promise by increasing energy production and instituting comprehensive permitting reform to speed the construction of critical infrastructure in our country. As our nation continues to recover from the highest inflation in generations, this bill will help stimulate our economy and bolster our national security while making us more competitive on the world stage against Russia and China. I am grateful for the leadership of Leader Scalise, Chairman Westerman, Chairwoman Rodgers, and Chairman Graves who all played a crucial role in getting H.R. 1 across the finish line. The need for permitting reform is something that Republicans and Democrats alike can get behind, and I encourage my colleagues in the Senate to do right by the American people and swiftly take up this bill." – House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) 

"From the day he took office, President Biden has waged a war on American energy, and hardworking families are the ones paying the price: since President Biden took office, energy costs have hit record highs with gas prices up 51 percent and household electricity prices up 24 percent, while real wages are down 4 percent. And yet, President Biden continues to drive inflation sky-high by blocking American energy production with red tape while begging hostile foreign countries like Russia for oil. America can and should be energy independent – we have the technology to produce our own energy cleaner and more efficiently than anywhere else in the world, while lowering costs for hardworking families. The Lower Energy Costs Act will increase American energy production, reform our broken permitting process, reverse the Biden Administration’s radical anti-energy policies, streamline our energy exports and imports, and boost the mining of critical minerals. Voters awarded House Republicans with the majority in Congress to fight President Biden’s radical energy policies and lower costs for American families, and today, we are working to make that a reality. With this bill, Republicans have made energy security and lower costs our number one priority this Congress, standing up for hardworking Americans against Biden’s radical energy agenda. By passing H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, House Republicans are following through on our promise to unleash American energy and restore our nation’s energy independence. I want to thank Speaker Kevin McCarthy, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers, House Natural Resources Committee Chair Bruce Westerman, and House Transportation and Infrastructure Chair Sam Graves for all of their hard work in getting this bill over the finish line. Now, it’s time for the Senate and President Biden to do their jobs and work with us to lower energy costs for American workers and families, instead of continuing their anti-American energy crusade." – House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) 

"The Lower Energy Costs Act is a massive win for the American people and a much-needed boost for our economy. House Republicans know that when we produce energy here at home, we do it cleaner, safer, and more efficiently than anywhere else in the world. This legislation will provide a framework for streamlining the federal regulations holding back domestic energy producers and will usher in a new era of American energy independence and mineral security. Thanks to Speaker McCarthy and Leader Scalise, hardworking Americans can rest easy knowing we’re putting the U.S. back in the driver’s seat on global energy production and keeping the lights on across the nation." – House Committee on Natural Resources Chair Bruce Westerman (R-AR) 

"The Lower Energy Costs Act is critical for so many reasons — from increasing domestic energy production, to encouraging the production of critical minerals, to modernizing the NEPA process to ensure energy and other infrastructure projects can move forward. This bill does exactly what the bill title says. It will lower energy costs for American families, farmers, and businesses by removing unnecessary regulatory barriers to critical energy projects and by increasing our energy independence, all while continuing to protect our environment.  Key contributions from Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Members will prevent federal water regulations from being abused to block needed energy projects and will apply One Federal Decision streamlining reforms to pipeline projects.  Energy costs remain unbearably high for too many Americans, and this bill will make a real difference." – House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Chair Sam Graves (R-MO) 


The Lower Energy Costs Act will restore American energy independence by: 

  • Increasing domestic energy production 
  • Reforming the permitting process for all industries 
  • Reversing anti-energy policies advanced by the Biden administration 
  • Streamlining energy infrastructure and exports 
  • Boosting the production and processing of critical minerals
CLICK HERE for an overview of the bill.  

CLICK HERE for a section-by-section summary of the bill.  

CLICK HERE for a summary of the Energy and Commerce Committee components of the bill.

Original source can be found here.



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