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A Call to the Public: EM Seeks Candidates for Advisory Board



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The cleanup program is seeking interested members of the public to fill vacancies on the Environmental Management Advisory Board (EMAB).

EMAB’s mission is to provide independent and external advice and recommendations to the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management (EM) on corporate issues.

The board works to identify applicable private and public sector best management practices and provides counsel on how to integrate them into the EM program. EMAB also provides strategic management advice on where and how to focus the program’s resources to achieve maximum impact and greatest risk reduction.

The membership of EMAB includes individuals from governmental and non-governmental entities, private industry and scientific and academic communities. Members are sought in all professional fields related to EM programs and specifically groundwater and soil remediation.

Members are appointed for two-year terms. The board typically meets twice a year in person and as needed virtually. Members serve on an uncompensated, volunteer basis. However, committee members are paid travel and per diem for each meeting that requires travel.

Membership appointments are made by the Secretary of Energy. Interested candidates must submit their resume and biography along with any letters of support to Kelly.Snyder@em.doe.gov by May 15, 2023. For additional information about EMAB, click here. 

Original source can be found here


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