Leader Cathy McMorris Rodgers | House Energy and Commerce Republican

Chairs Rodgers, Latta Announce Legislative Hearing on Unleashing U.S. Communications Innovation

On the Hill



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House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee Chair Bob Latta (R-OH) today announced a hearing titled “Breaking Barriers: Streamlining Permitting to Expedite Broadband Deployment.”

Chairs Rodgers and Latta released the following statement:

“High-speed broadband is a critical part of today’s modern economy, no matter where you live. Yet many Americans still do not have reliable access to the Internet. In order to close the digital divide and further America’s leadership in next generation broadband and wireless networks, we need effective reforms to accelerate the build out of high-speed connections and boost U.S. competition. We look forward to considering these bills that will help streamline permitting delays, make an immediate difference for communities across the country, and encourage investment in faster, more affordable communications services for Americans.”

Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Hearing titled “Breaking Barriers: Streamlining Permitting to Expedite Broadband Deployment.”

WHAT: Communications and Technology Subcommittee legislative hearing on bringing broadband to Americans across the U.S.

DATE: Wednesday, April 19, 2023

TIME: 10:30 AM ET

LOCATION: 2322 Rayburn House Office Building

This notice is at the direction of the Chair. The hearing will be open to the public and press, and will be live streamed online at https://energycommerce.house.gov/. If you have any questions concerning the hearing, please contact Noah Jackson at Noah.Jackson@mail.house.gov. If you have any press-related questions, please contact Sean Kelly at Sean.Kelly@mail.house.gov.

Legislation to be considered includes:

  • H.R. ___, the Winning the International Race for Economic Leadership and Expanding Service to Support Leadership or “WIRELESS Leadership” Act
  • H.R. ___, Barriers and Regulatory Obstacles Avoids Deployment of Broadband Access and Needs Deregulatory Leadership or “BROADBAND Leadership” Act
  • H.R. ___, Cable Access for Broadband and Local Economic Leadership or “CABLE Leadership” Act
  • H.R. ___, Connecting and Building Lines for Expedited Expansion or the “CABLE Expansion” Act
  • H.R. ___, Consumer Access to Broadband for Local Economies and Competition or the “CABLE Competition Act”
  • H.R. ___, Cable Transparency Act
  • H.R. ___, Broadband Expansion and Deployment Fee Equity and Efficiency or “BEAD FEES” Act
  • H.R. ___, Granting Remaining Applications Not Treated Efficiently or Delayed or “GRANTED” Act
  • H.R. ___, 5G Using Previously Granted Rulings that Accelerate Deployment Everywhere or “5G UPGRADE” Act
  • H.R. ___, Streamlining Permitting to Enable Efficient Deployment for Broadband Infrastructure or “SPEED for Broadband Infrastructure” Act
  • H.R. ___, Wireless Broadband Competition and Efficient Deployment Act
  • H.R. ___, Broadband Competition and Efficient Deployment Act
  • H.R. ___, Wireless Resiliency and Flexible Investment Act
  • H.R. ___, Broadband Resiliency and Flexible Investment Act
  • H.R. ___, Proportional Reviews for Broadband Deployment Act
  • H.R. ___, Reducing Antiquated Permitting for Infrastructure Deployment or “RAPID” Act
  • H.R. ___, Coastal Broadband Deployment Act
  • H.R. ___, Brownfields Broadband Deployment Act
  • H.R. ___, Timely Replacement Under Secure and Trusted for Early and Dependable Broadband Networks or “TRUSTED Broadband Networks” Act
  • H.R. ___, Connecting Communities Post Disaster Act
  • H.R. ___, Wildfire Wireless Resiliency Act
  • H.R. ___, Reducing Barriers for Broadband on Federal Lands Act
  • H.R. ___, Standard Fees to Expedite Evaluation and Streamlining or “Standard FEES” Act
  • H.R. ___, Enhancing Administrative Reviews for Broadband Deployment Act
  • H.R. ___, Expediting Federal Broadband Deployment Act
  • H.R. ___, Deploying Infrastructure with Greater Internet Transactions And Legacy Applications or “DIGITAL Applications” Act
  • H.R. ___, Facilitating the Deployment of Infrastructure with Greater Internet Transactions And Legacy Applications or “Facilitating DIGITAL Applications” Act
  • H.R. ___, Federal Broadband Deployment Tracking Act
  • H.R. ___, Rural Broadband Permitting Efficiency Act
  • H.R. ___, Fair Access to Internet Ready Poles Act or “FAIR Poles” Act
  • H.R. 1241, Broadband Incentives for Communities Act
  • H.R. 2552, Community Broadband Act
Original source can be found here



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