The grant could provide up to $2.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) invites public comment on its Request for Information (RFI) number DE-FOA-003085 regarding the DOE Critical Materials Assessment for energy. This RFI seeks public comment to improve the DOE Critical Materials Assessment including the methodology inclusive of the underlying data and assumptions, results, and draft list of critical materials. Specially, this RFI seeks input on the following categories: (1) Data and information to support revision of the analysis and (2) Improvements to the methodology. This Notice of Intent (NOI) is for informational purposes only. Any information contained in this NOI is subject to change. Questions and comments regarding this NOI are not being sought and will not be accepted for consideration at this time. EERE plans to issue the RFI on or about May 31, 2023 via the EERE eXCHANGE website If Applicants wish to receive official notifications and information from EERE regarding this RFI, they should register in EERE eXCHANGE. When the RFI is released, public comment will be accepted only through an official email account that will be specified in the RFI.