Rescue Team | Pexels by Mikhail Nilov

WIPP Mine Rescue Team Uses Lifesaving Skills in Highway Accident



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Members of EM’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) mine rescue teams recently put their lifesaving skills into action, possibly saving a young woman’s life as they were returning from a mine rescue competition in Ruidoso, New Mexico.

While heading back to EM’s Carlsbad Field Office last month, the team members witnessed a severe automobile accident that involved a young woman who was ejected from a vehicle after it hit a rock wall. WIPP mine rescue team members Fabian Muñoz, Misty Long, Matt Ridgway, Terry Grube and Mark Long immediately sprang into action. They were joined by members of another mine rescue team also returning from the competition. That team was from The Mosaic Company, a commercial mining business.

Without hesitation, the teams grabbed first aid supplies from their mine rescue trailer and used the first responder training they routinely practice and test.

“I want to commend the quick thinking and actions exhibited by our WIPP mine rescue teams and individuals from the Mosaic mine rescue team,” said Ken Harrawood, president and program manager for Salado Isolation Mining Contractors (SIMCO), which manages and operates WIPP. “These men and women train extensively to respond in the event we have an emergency in the WIPP underground. It just so happened they were in the right place at the right time to provide medical attention to this young lady.”

Thanks to the training they received, the mine rescue team members used the first aid supplies effectively. They knew exactly what supplies were needed and how to use them properly, which allowed them to provide the necessary first aid quickly and efficiently. Their quick thinking and decisive actions possibly saved the young woman's life. She was airlifted to a Lubbock, Texas, hospital and survived.

Harrawood presented each team member a SIMCO President’s Life Saving Award to commend them for their bravery, quick thinking and vital role they play in their community.

Original source can be found here.


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