Awards | pexels by Nataliya Vaitkevich

Oak Ridge Newscast Wins National Award in First Year on Air



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In the first year of producing its groundbreaking monthly news show, “Energycast Oak Ridge,” the Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) took home a national award recognizing excellence in storytelling and public outreach.

Watch the latest episode here.

“We’ve been really pleased with the interest and response to this newscast, and our team is actively working on some exciting ideas to continue strengthening the show as we kick off its second year,” said Ben Williams, OREM public affairs specialist.

OREM’s communications team won a 2023 Hometown Media Award in the government activities independent producer category. The awards were established to honor and promote community media, community radio and local cable programs distributed on public, educational and governmental access cable television channels.

This year’s winners will be recognized at an awards ceremony on June 28 in New York City.

“Energycast Oak Ridge” premiered on May 22, 2022, with the goal of showcasing the full scope and local impact of the cleanup mission in a new way — a news show. It airs on community television channels in 24 counties across eastern and middle Tennessee, including some of the state’s largest cities, Nashville and Knoxville.

Original source can be found here.


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