Chair Rodgers Opening Statement at Health Subcommittee Markup of 17 Bills

On the Hill



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The following press release was published by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on July 13. It is reproduced in full below.

Washington, D.C. - House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Health Subcommittee markup of 17 bills.

Excerpts and highlights below:


“I am glad we are here today moving so many pieces of important legislation.

“Our markup and work today is yet another example of the Energy and Commerce Committee, plowing the hard ground to legislate.

“We’re doing the work necessary to carefully review and reassess government programs to make sure they best serve the American people.

“That is our job as the People’s Representatives.

“So, thank you to everyone leading on bills today.

“Not only are we ensuring federal programs are accountable to those we serve, we are helping to improve people’s lives.

“For example, we are making sure moms and their babies get the support they need in all phases of their lives.

“We’re reauthorizing important programs to rescue people from despair and recover from substance use disorders.

“We’re building on our work to stop fentanyl poisonings.

“We’re making sure hospitals can train the next generation of pediatricians and we’re also bringing accountability to the CDC."


“In addition to all this, we are making progress today on reauthorizing key authorities to help protect Americans from chemical, radiological, biological, nuclear, and cyber-attacks.

“For months, we’ve been working to bring everyone to the table for this to be a bipartisan bill.

“These programs to ensure America is ready to respond to all hazards has expired before, and I made clear my top priority was doing all I can do get these programs reauthorized on time.

“So, I am glad we are moving Mr. Hudson’s legislation today, and hope and invite Democrats to come back to the table and support this legislation so America is prepared to respond to public health threats from catastrophic natural disaster to a biological threat to cyberattacks."


“Not every bill is going to contain every member’s priority, and we all may have different views on the best path to success for legislation.

“But putting everything in one bill is not the way forward. It is not the best way to legislate.

“As I said yesterday, we are carefully reviewing more than 100 responses we’ve received in response to our request for information on the underlying causes of drug shortages.

“We need to address this, and we will. Our next step is a discussion draft that we will be releasing in the coming weeks.

“The problem demands more attention than rushing a few broad FDA bills through committee.

“I hope today Democrats will agree to join me in working on this more thoughtful, comprehensive approach to address the root causes of drug shortages, whether it’s looking at FDA authorities or how Medicare and Medicaid pay for medicines.

“Let’s work together."


“With that, I will again say thank you to all my colleagues who are leading on bills and solutions.

“Reviewing all these programs takes time and a lot of hard work.

“Energy and Commerce has this reputation of attracting the best members because we are up to the task!

“I look forward to today’s discussion and moving these solutions to the Full Committee to consider."

Source: House Committee on Energy and Commerce



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