RICHLAND, Wash. - Crews with EM Richland Operations Office contractor Central Plateau Cleanup Company have placed the final protective layer in Trench 31, a waste-disposal trench near the center of the Hanford Site. The protective layer is made of heavy-duty fabric and compacted soil, sand and gravel, upon which waste contained in approved drums or boxes is placed. Trench 31 is designed to hold three layers of waste, with a protective layer between each one. Two layers of waste have already been placed in the trench. The video shows the third protective layer being constructed over the second layer of waste. With that completed, crews are now ready to continue waste-disposal operations with the third and final layer of waste. After that the trench will be covered and closed in accordance with Washington state regulations. The trench holds radiological and chemical waste such as failed equipment, tools and other debris from Hanford cleanup operations. Designated disposal facilities such as Trench 31 and Hanford’s massive Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility are critical to supporting Hanford’s ongoing cleanup mission.
Watch the time-lapse video here.
Source: U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Environmental Management