DOE Announces $6.4 Million for University Research to Improve Hydrogen Turbine Performance




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The following press release was published by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management on Sept. 7. It is reproduced in full below.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) today announced $6.4 million for university-based research and development projects that will develop advanced materials and components to improve the performance of hydrogen-fueled turbines. This research will support the increased use of low-carbon fuels like hydrogen in industrial and power sectors, helping to achieve the Biden-Harris Administration goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Further, accelerating the commercialization of advanced technologies developed through the funded projects will help support good-paying jobs throughout these sectors.

“Achieving a clean energy and industrial economy requires cost-effective use of low-carbon fuels like clean hydrogen," said Brad Crabtree, Assistant Secretary of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management. “DOE’s University Turbine Systems Research program supports cost-shared research at U.S. universities to improve the performance of hydrogen-fueled turbines and make clean hydrogen more affordable, while also training a next-generation workforce of combustion turbine scientists, engineers, and technicians."

Projects selected through this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) will develop advanced materials and components that can better manage and withstand the heat generated during hydrogen combustion. This will enable the use of up to 100% hydrogen in gas turbines for carbon-free power generation. The FOA includes three primary focus areas:

* Research to produce knowledge and data to help improve component designs for gas turbines that use hydrogen-containing fuels;

* Development of turbine components that can utilize advanced cooling and advanced materials and manufacturing technologies; and

* Development of strategies for minimizing risks associated with material selection, and design improvements for engines operating on hydrogen fuels that increase turbine performance.

Applicants to this FOA must address the societal considerations and impacts of their proposed projects, emphasizing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility throughout the research and development process. Applications must explain how projects are expected to deliver equitable access to, and distribution of, benefits produced from successful technology innovations; incorporate diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility; and understand the future workforce implications of the innovation. Projects selected under this opportunity will be required to develop and implement strategies to advance these priorities, and report on such activities and outcomes.

Read more details about this FOA here. All questions must be submitted through FedConnect; register here for an account. Visit our website to find resources on how to include equity and conduct community engagement in project plans.

FECM minimizes environmental and climate impacts of fossil fuels and industrial processes while working to achieve net-zero emissions across our economy. Priority areas of technology work include carbon capture, carbon conversion, carbon dioxide removal, carbon dioxide transport and storage, hydrogen production with carbon management, methane emissions reduction, and critical minerals production. To learn more, visit the FECM website, sign up for FECM news announcements, and visit the National Energy Technology Laboratory website.

Source: U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management



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