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Feng Pan sculpts ultrathin materials for quantum information research

Feng Pan sculpts ultrathin materials for quantum information research


Brookhaven Lab Physicist Mary Bishai Elected DUNE Co-Spokesperson

Brookhaven Lab Physicist Mary Bishai Elected DUNE Co-Spokesperson


DOE funds next-generation Center for Bioenergy Innovation to advance renewable jet fuel

DOE funds next-generation Center for Bioenergy Innovation to advance renewable jet fuel


DOE Renews Funding for Berkeley Lab's Joint BioEnergy Institute

DOE Renews Funding for Berkeley Lab's Joint BioEnergy Institute


An Oak Ridge First: Crews Access Cleanup Area From Barge

News Release: OAK RIDGE, Tenn. - Cleanup projects for the Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) can be challenging under normal circumstances, but a recent excavation effort involved another level of complexity for contractor UCOR.


Pursuing Unique Skills to Rewind Cold War Motors at Savannah River Site

News Release: AIKEN, S.C. - Maintaining safety systems at a 70-year-old DOE site can pose challenges, but the motor shop for the EM program at Savannah River Site (SRS) has successfully addressed them.


EM Hosts Japanese Officials Visiting DOE Headquarters, Hanford Site

News Release: Representatives from the Japan Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation (NDF) visited EM headquarters in Washington, D.C., and the Hanford Site in Washington state last week to promote collaboration and provide updates on the status and plans to decommission the Tokyo...


Curio Solutions Awarded GAIN Voucher to Advance New Spent Fuel Recycling Process

News Release: Washington, D.C. - The Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) to Curio Solutions to support the development of the company’s new recycling process for spent nuclear fuel. The voucher provides access to the research capabilities and expertise at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to help advance their project.


LM Site Manager Reflects on Her Unexpected Career Path

News Release: U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management Site Manager Mary Young never pictured herself working for DOE when she started her career as a veterinary hospital manager.


One Hanford Contractors Collaborate on Emissions Sampling

News Release: RICHLAND, Wash. - Hanford Site contractors from the EM Office of River Protection and Richland Operations Office recently shared valuable experiences with one another regarding sampling emissions from site exhaust stacks in preparation for the startup of the Direct-Feed Low-Activity Waste (DFLAW ) Program.


Idaho Site Safely Completes Fuel Transfer, Meeting EM’s Commitment to State

News Release: IDAHO FALLS, Idaho - Checking off an EM 2023 priority, crews retrieved the last spent nuclear fuel from a water-filled basin and safely transferred possession of the fuel elements to a complex at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Site last week, completing the project more than nine months ahead of a milestone under an agreement with the state of Idaho.


On World Water Day, DOE Announces Investments to Advance Water Power as Key Source of Clean Energy

News Release: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today on World Water Day launched a $2.3 million prize to advance new technologies to harness power from ocean waves. DOE also opened applications for the next rounds of the Hydropower and Marine Energy collegiate competitions and announced five students selected for fellowships to advance marine energy research.


EM Nevada Removes Insulation Material From Tanks to Prepare Them for Demolition

News Release: LAS VEGAS - The EM Nevada Program has finished removing an insulation material known as perlite from four tanks at Test Cell C (TCC) on the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS).


West Valley Workers Safely Remove Chemical Process Cell Shield Windows

News Release: WEST VALLEY, N.Y. - EM and prime contractor CH2M HILL BWXT West Valley (CHBWV) recently removed three shield windows that together weigh more than 75,000 pounds from a former cell in the Main Plant Process Building, allowing for continued progress in the demolition of the facility at EM’s West Valley Demonstration Project site.


DOE Awards $9 Million to 12 Projects to Advance Desalination and Water Reuse Technologies Across the U.S.

News Release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) announced the selection of 12 projects that will improve the energy efficiency of desalination and water reuse technologies across the country. The selected projects will drive decarbonization...


SRS Completes First Transfer in Accelerated Basin De-inventory Mission

News Release: AIKEN, S.C. - The EM program at the Savannah River Site (SRS) has successfully transferred the initial discard of uranium solution in its new Accelerated Basin De-inventory (ABD ) mission, which will result in significant savings and expedite the disposition of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) at the site.