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Energy Department publishes 48 notices in week ending Aug. 12
By DOE Newswire | Aug 27, 2023
There were 48 notices published by the Energy Department in week ending Aug. 12, according to the Federal Register.
LM Receives EPEAT Award in Three Categories
By DOE Newswire | Aug 27, 2023
News Release: For the seventh straight year, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management has applied for and won an Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool Purchaser Award, which recognizes organizations for excellence in procuring sustainable electronic equipment.
Diverse Group of Leaders Develop Plans to Grow Los Alamos Workforce
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: LOS ALAMOS, N.M. - The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management (EM ) co-hosted a workforce development summit on Friday with the Energy Communities Alliance and Energy Facility Contractors Group that drew a diverse group of leaders from across the region.
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $30 Million to Build Up Domestic Supply Chain for Critical Minerals
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - In support of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced up to $30 million to help lower the costs of the onshore production of rare earths and other critical minerals and materials from domestic coal-based resources. The funding...
Registration Climbs for New Early Career Session at National Cleanup Workshop
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: ARLINGTON, Va. - More than 70 early career professionals have signed up so far for an inaugural National Cleanup Workshop session next month that will focus on learning more about the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management (EM ) and how to grow and succeed in the DOE cleanup program.
Over 270 Workshop Attendees Continue Building Strong Safety Culture
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: IDAHO FALLS, Idaho - EM ’s Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) and contractor Idaho Environmental Coalition (IEC) last week hosted the 2023 DOE Safety Culture Improvement Panel (SCIP) Annual Meeting and Safety Culture Workshop, where participants focused on all aspects of safety culture, with a special emphasis on psychological safety.
Meet Our Team: Josh Gregory Advances Tribal Energy Goals Through Financial Support Assistance
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: Josh Gregory joined the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy as an Engineer in September 2021. Duty stationed in Golden, Colorado, Josh serves as a technical expert supporting technical assistance and administering financial assistance awards to American Indian nations, Alaska Native villages, and tribal and intertribal organizations.
Chairs Rodgers & Johnson Commend EPA’s Decision to Follow the Law on Current Air Quality Standards
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: Washington, D.C. - House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Environment, Manufacturing, & Critical Materials Subcommittee Chair Bill Johnson (R-OH) released a statement today following the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision to end the agency’s unnecessary reconsideration of existing air quality standards for ozone, which provide ample protections from air pollutants.
El Departamento de Energía de EE.UU. Proyecta un Fuerte Crecimiento en el Sector de la Energía Eólica de EE.UU.
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
Release: Tres nuevos informes sobre el mercado de la energía eólica destacan el crecimiento en el despliegue de energía eólica y la cadena de suministro nacional, creando empleos bien remunerados gracias a la agenda Invirtiendo en Estados Unidos del Presidente Biden
Chairs Rodgers & Johnson Commend EPA’s Decision to Follow the Law on Current Air Quality Standards
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: Washington, D.C. - House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Environment, Manufacturing, & Critical Materials Subcommittee Chair Bill Johnson (R-OH) released a statement today following the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision to end the agency’s unnecessary reconsideration of existing air quality standards for ozone, which provide ample protections from air pollutants.
Idaho Site Building Demolition Closes Chapter on Underlying Disposal Pit
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: IDAHO FALLS, Idaho - The legacy of a pit that held radioactive and hazardous waste for 56 years at DOE’s Idaho National Laboratory Site has ended.
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $30 Million to Build Up Domestic Supply Chain for Critical Minerals
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
Release: Funding from President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda will Create More Jobs, Strengthen National Security, Revitalize Energy Communities, and Build a Clean Energy Economy
National Archives Receives Hanford’s World War II and Cold War Records
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: RICHLAND, Wash. - Classified records from the start of the Manhattan Project arrived safely at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration near Washington, D.C., after EM Richland Operations Office (RL) contractor Hanford Mission Integration Solutions (HMIS) securely prepped them for a lengthy journey under escort by drivers holding top secret clearance from DOE.
DOE Announces Intent to Fund Buildout of a Carbon Dioxide Transportation System to Support National Decarbonization Efforts
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) today issued a notice of intent (NOI) to provide funding made available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for DOE’s Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation...
U.S. Department of Energy Projects Strong Growth in U.S. Wind Power Sector
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
Release: Three New Wind Energy Market Reports Highlight Growth in Wind Energy Deployment and Domestic Supply Chain, Creating Good-Paying Jobs Thanks to President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
DOE Announces $126 Million for Small Businesses to Pursue Clean Energy Research and Development
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
Release: 90 Businesses in 27 States Will Use Grants to Focus on Cybersecurity, Fusion Energy, Renewables, and Other Disciplines That Will Lead the Clean Energy Transition
Oak Ridge Hosts U.K. Partners to Exchange Best Cleanup Practices
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: OAK RIDGE, Tenn. - Leadership from the United Kingdom’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) came together recently to exchange best practices for decommissioning facilities and a host of other cleanup topics.
Crews Begin Demolition Near Former Hanford Plutonium Processing Facility
By DOE Newswire | Aug 26, 2023
News Release: RICHLAND, Wash. - Demolition is underway on several former chemical storage tanks and associated infrastructure as risk-reduction activities continue at a former plutonium processing facility at the Hanford Site.
Energy Department discusses Combined Notice of Filings on Aug. 24
By DOE Newswire | Aug 25, 2023
The US Energy Department published a two page notice on Aug. 24, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.
Midwestern Gas Transmission Company; Notice of Request Under Blanket Authorization and Establishing Intervention and Protest Deadline discussed on Aug. 24 by Energy Department
By DOE Newswire | Aug 25, 2023
The US Energy Department published a two page notice on Aug. 24, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.