DOE Newswire Report News

Two EM Representatives Win Key Department of Energy Awards

DOE recently honored two EM employees with major awards for their superior performance in 2022.

EM Site Manager Monitors Endangered Woodpecker Population at SRS

An EM site manager recently joined U.S. Forest Service personnel to observe the monitoring process for the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker at the Savannah River Site (SRS).

Preliminary Agenda for 2023 National Cleanup Workshop Now Available

Click here for the preliminary agenda for the ninth-annual National Cleanup Workshop set for Sept. 11-13 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia.

Oak Ridge Removes Radioactive Source After ‘Needle in Haystack’ Search

EM workers recently completed a big task involving a small item by safely removing a highly radiated segment of wire roughly the size of a straightened-out paper clip from a cleanup project at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Nearly 200 Students Earn Intern Spots With Savannah River Site Contractor

A total of 180 students hailing from 59 colleges and 15 states recently earned spots in an a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (EM) contractor’s paid summer internship program at the Savannah River Site.

Cross-training ‘Means the World’ to Technician, Offers Flexibility to EM Nevada

Byron Smith joined the EM Nevada Program in spring 2022 to work as a real-time radiography technician.

Bechtel Names New Project Director for Hanford Plant

Bechtel National Inc. has selected Senior Vice President Brian Hartman as the new project director for the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP)

Six New Members Join Paducah Site’s Citizens Advisory Board

EM has appointed six new members to the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Citizens Advisory Board (CAB):

Hanford Teams Up With Local Sheriff’s Office to Improve Traffic Safety

The Hanford Site and EM Richland Operations Office contractor Hanford Mission Integration Solutions (HMIS) teamed up with the Benton County Sheriff's Office earlier this year to enhance traffic safety on the site.

EM Invests $30 Million in Hanford Tank Waste Research & Development

A new $30 million investment by EM will fund research and technology development led by DOE’s national laboratories aimed at better addressing tank waste at the Hanford Site.

Energy, Interior Departments Consult Tribes on Managing Rattlesnake Mountain

DOE is committed to improving the protection of tribal sacred sites — and access to those sites by tribes

Oak Ridge Newscast Wins National Award in First Year on Air

In the first year of producing its groundbreaking monthly news show, “Energycast Oak Ridge,” the Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) took home a national award recognizing excellence in storytelling and public outreach.

Standing Tall: Hanford Reactor Cocoon Voted Local Project of the Year

An EM priority project in 2022 continues to earn accolades in 2023.

Savannah River Site Collaborates to Support U.S. Warfighters

Leaders from the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic, DOE’s Savannah River Site (DOE-SR)

Miss America Brings Nuclear Energy Message to Women Engineers at Hanford

The Office of River Protection and contractor Washington River Protection Solutions recently hosted a high-profile advocate for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education.

Oak Ridge Honors Small Businesses for Critical Role in Cleanup

Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) cleanup contractor UCOR recognized six small businesses at a ceremony last week for their support of EM’s cleanup mission.

Oak Ridge Partners With University to Grow Cleanup Workforce

Nearly 85 miles west of Oak Ridge, 10,000 students attend Tennessee Tech University.

DOE’s Spent Nuclear Fuel Working Group Reconvenes in Idaho

A working group recently addressed policy and crosscutting issues impacting the handling, storage and disposition of DOE-managed spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in its first in-person meeting since late 2019.

Savannah River Site, Education Center Reflect on 40 Years of Partnerships

For almost four decades, DOE’s Savannah River Site (SRS) and the Ruth Patrick Science Education Center at the University of South Carolina Aiken (USC Aiken)