The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration published a Notice of Intent (NOI) today to prepare a new Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operation of Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico (SWEIS).
The purpose of the NOI is to invite participation in the process and to encourage involvement on the scope and alternatives that should be considered. The publication of the NOI in the Federal Register today begins a 45-day public scoping comment period. NNSA will accept comments from all interested agencies (federal, state, and local), federally-recognized Tribes, public interest groups, businesses, and members of the public on the SWEIS.
“It is important that we take the time to update the SWEIS for our sites,” said Jill Hruby, DOE Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and NNSA Administrator. “The SWEIS process provides transparency and invites public participation. The continued operation of Sandia in an environmentally responsible manner is critical to NNSA’s missions in stockpile stewardship, nonproliferation, and other areas that impact national security and global stability.”
The SWEIS will analyze the potential environmental impacts of the reasonable alternatives for continuing Sandia operations in New Mexico for approximately the next 15 years.
It will analyze at least three alternatives, the No-Action Alternative, Modernized Operations Alternative, and the Expanded Operations Alternative (NNSA’s Preferred Alternative). The No-Action Alternative, which provides a benchmark for comparison with the environmental effects of the other alternatives, is to continue current operations in support of assigned missions, without foreseeable new operations or facilities for the next 15 years. The Modernized Operations Alternative would address aging infrastructure concerns and includes those projects, activities, and facilities described for the No Action Alternative, as well as the construction of new facilities, modification of existing facilities, operational changes, and decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) of excess facilities. The Expanded Operations Alternative would expand capabilities at Sandia New Mexico beyond those that currently exist to respond to future national security challenges and meet increasing requirements.
NNSA will host two public scoping meetings, one in-person and one online, both tentatively scheduled for May 2023. The information and details on how to participate in the public scoping meetings and submit comments will be posted on NNSA NEPA Reading Room web page and will also be published in local newspapers at least 15 days prior to the meeting. Any necessary changes will be announced in the local media.
Written and oral comments will be given equal weight and NNSA will consider all comments received or postmarked by the end of the comment period in preparing the Draft SWEIS.
Written comments on the scope of the SWEIS or requests for information related to the SWEIS should be sent to Dr. Adria Bodour, Ph.D., NEPA Compliance Office, National Nuclear Security Administration Sandia Field Office, P.O. Box 5400, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185, or email to:
Original source can be found here