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Hanford Uses 3D Scanning to Enhance Worker Safety for Demolitions

A team of designers with EM Richland Operations Office contractor Central Plateau Cleanup Company (CPCCo) is using 3D laser scanning technology to gather data to help workers prepare some of the facilities on the Hanford Site for demolition.


DOE Releases Final Request for Proposals for Small Business Nationwide Deactivation, Decommissioning, and Removal Procurement

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management released the Final Request for Proposals for Small Business Nationwide Deactivation, Decommissioning and Removal (DD&R) to perform DD&R of Facilities, Waste Management services, and Program Support services.


EM Kicks Off New Acquisition Career Development Program

EM is strengthening its procurement capabilities to ensure the cleanup program has talented, capable acquisition professionals now and in the future with the launch of the EM Career Acquisition Program (ECAP).


Portsmouth, Paducah Kick Off Major Uranium Oxide Disposal Effort

EM has successfully commenced a major disposal effort for a key uranium-enrichment byproduct with the recent arrival of 60 uranium-oxide storage cylinders by rail at a licensed facility in west Texas.


Oak Ridge Makes Former Reactor Safer as It Awaits Demolition

EM crews are slated to take down hundreds of old, contaminated buildings at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Y-12 National Security Complex.


Hanford Contractors Celebrate Earth Day Cleaning Up Local Park

Protecting the environment is key for EM’s Office of River Protection and Richland Operations Office, and that’s why dozens of Hanford Site employees joined forces to celebrate the importance of Earth Day by cleaning up one of the most popular local parks.


In Unique Fire Ecology Course, Students Practice Prescribed Burn at Savannah River Site

Sixteen students from the University of Georgia have completed a popular spring semester course on fire ecology that included a prescribed burn of 375 acres of land at the Savannah River Site (SRS).


Sounding the Alarm at Hanford: It’s Only a Test

Sound testing kicked off recently at the Hanford Site’s Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant as team members measured ambient sound levels throughout the plant’s facilities.


West Valley Supports Local Environmental Competition for Students

With support from EM’s West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP), students from local high schools recently joined a competition based on environmental topics, with this year’s special focus on adapting to climate change.


STEP Class Brings Science to Life at Savannah River Site

More than 50 fifth and sixth grade students from a school in Augusta, Georgia, recently experienced a unique hands-on environmental class in the forests of the Savannah River Site (SRS) to inspire early interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers at the site.


LM Conservation Projects Protect, Restore, and Enhance LM Sites Nationwide

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management sustainability teams support DOE priorities, including ecological health, conservation, land reuse, land management, and energy conservation.


LM Co-Hosts Emergency Management Organization Annual Meeting

Natural and man-made disasters seem to be wreaking havoc around the world. Federal, state, and local government organizations are continually considering these threats in their current and future emergency management planning.


LM Makes a Splash at 28th Annual Western Colorado Children’s Water Festival

It was the first session of the morning, but before she could give her water-quality presentation to the fifth graders gathered at her booth, Sara Woods had to fire up the crowd.


Open Season: Visitors Set Sights on Hanford B Reactor Tours

History buffs, engineering enthusiasts and science aficionados are all taking aim at one of Washington state’s hottest tickets: a tour of the B Reactor National Historic Landmark.


Minority Serving Institution Funding Awards to Foster DOE Office of Environmental Management Workforce Pipeline

DOE announced funding opportunities last week totaling $24.5 million for minority serving institutions (MSI).


Annual Turkey Hunt at Savannah River Site Creates Lifelong Memories

Clear skies at daybreak contributed to a successful hunt start for nine of the 15 hunters selected by the National Wild Turkey Federation to take part in the 18th Annual Wheelin’ Sportsman Ultimate Turkey Hunt at the Savannah River Site (SRS) recently.


DOE Launches New Consumer Energy Savings Hub

DOE recently launched the Energy Savings Hub — an online one-stop shop for American families and consumers to access the savings tools that President Biden’s Investing in America agenda has made available to drastically cut energy costs.


Savannah River Site Replaces Crane Motor Essential to Operations

EM crews at the Savannah River Site’s (SRS) 70-year-old H Canyon Chemical Separations Facility safely replaced a motor on a crane for the first time recently, ensuring its viability in this one-of-a-kind facility for years to come.


LM Makes a Splash at 28th Annual Western Colorado Children’s Water Festival

It was the first session of the morning, but before she could give her water-quality presentation to the fifth graders gathered at her booth, Sara Woods had to fire up the crowd.


LM Partners with Federal and State Agencies to Host Youth Corpsmembers at Colorado Site

In March, Mile High Youth Corps Energy and Water Conservation Program members toured the Rocky Flats Site near Denver for the second year in a row.