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Savannah River Site Contractor Finishes Complete Year Safely

EM’s liquid waste contractor at the Savannah River Site (SRS) has completed more than 365 days without a work-related injury that required an employee to miss a day on the job.


DOE Honors Two EM Sites for Increasing Use of Zero-Emissions Vehicles

Just in time for Earth Day, DOE named EM’s Portsmouth Site and Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) as Green Fleet Award recipients last week for their exceptional efforts in ordering the most light-duty zero-emissions vehicles (ZEV) in fiscal 2023.


DOE Awards Integrated Tank Disposition Contract at the Hanford Site

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management (EM) awarded the Hanford Integrated Tank Disposition Contract (ITDC) to Hanford Tank Waste Operations & Closure, LLC (H2C) of Lynchburg, Virginia, for work to be performed at the Hanford Site in southeastern Washington State.


DOE Issues Expression of Interest for Surface Contaminated Nickel Technology

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management (EM) Portsmouth Paducah Project Office (PPPO) issued an Expression of Interest (EOI)


Managing Today’s Change, Protecting Tomorrow’s Future

As Earth Day completes another rotation around the sun, communities and organizations have planned thousands of events this weekend to shine a light on environmental issues.


Site Manager Graduates from DOE Leadership Development Program

U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management Site Manager Meghann Hurt recently graduated from the DOE Leadership Development Program.


Newly Retired Partner Honored for Decades-Long Service to Hopi People and Supporting LM Projects

LM Director Carmelo Melendez honored Norman Honie, Jr., one of LM’s longtime Hopi tribal partners, during the Navajo-Hopi-DOE triannual meeting in Durango, Colorado, on March 14.


Top EM Leaders, Stakeholders From Eight Cleanup Sites Discuss Mission Work

EM senior leaders met with stakeholders from eight cleanup sites across the DOE complex recently to discuss current and planned mission work and other topics from a jam-packed agenda during the two-day EM Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB) National Chairs meeting in Washington, D.C.


Over 300 People Gather for EM-NNSA Event on Cleanup, National Security

More than 300 people turned out for a town hall-style event last week focused on national security and environmental cleanup priorities, including EM’s work at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico.


New Advisory Board Members Get Firsthand Look at Oak Ridge Cleanup

New members of the Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board (ORSSAB) are benefiting from a return to an in-person orientation and tour of major cleanup across the Oak Ridge Reservation for the first time since the coronavirus.


Waste Treatment Plant Conducts Emergency Drills, Prepares to Receive Ammonia

Hanford Site Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) staff recently performed an emergency preparedness drill simulating a response to an ammonia leak.


'No Fear of Heights is a Good Quality': Oak Ridge Inspects Towering Stack

Performing work on tall structures presents unique challenges. But when they’re also aging, they bring an even greater dimension to planning.


Hanford Works Quickly to Restore Power After Fierce Windstorm

A well-coordinated effort by EM Richland Operations Office contractor Hanford Mission Integration Solutions (HMIS) quickly restored power, repaired fallen utility poles and replaced transformers following a severe windstorm that hit the Hanford Site in late February.


Community College Helps Oak Ridge Build Pipeline of Qualified Workers

Community college partnerships can help the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (EM) sites build their workforces, providing a pipeline of local qualified workers needed for cleanup.


Hanford’s Vit Plant Shares Passing of Project Director Valerie McCain

Valerie McCain, project director of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) and a Bechtel senior vice president at the Hanford Site, died on March 26 following a short illness.


EM Announces Upcoming Departure of Senior Leader Hendrickson

EM headquarters announced today that Randy Hendrickson, a senior leader with extensive background and experience in military and civilian service, has accepted a position in the private sector.


West Valley Citizen Task Force Members Meet With EM Representatives

Members of the West Valley Citizen Task Force met with EM representatives last week in Washington, D.C., to discuss the group’s priorities and challenges.


EM Knockdown: Another Reactor Coming Down at Oak Ridge

The skyline in the heart of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is changing again as workers begin to demolish a once world-famous reactor.


Investment in Small Businesses at SRS Builds Jobs Locally and Beyond

An EM contractor at the Savannah River Site (SRS) is dedicated to advancing small, diverse businesses, committing nearly $1.3 billion to them at the local, regional and national level over the past five years.


Hanford Plant Shift Operations Managers Reach Full Qualification

The Hanford Site Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) recognized a significant team achievement recently, when the last of its eight shift operations managers finished a rigorous qualifications process.